Subtitleproblem?? Look HERE!!

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Subtitleproblem?? Look HERE!!

Post by guest » Tue Feb 27, 2007 4:42 am


It has come to my knowledge that me and many other who are using Mediacoder have some difficulty with subtitles. Especially thoose who doesnt even have the subtitle in the list. I my case the subtitle didnt work because Mediacoder has set it to "swe" when its supposed to be set as "sv".
But when I try to put it in manually I only get an error and a programcrash.

Therefor I looked up in the installationsfolder and found prefs.xml.

Just open it with notepad and search for the string
<node key="subtitle"><node key="slang" value="sv"/>

set the "value" to whatever the player MPUI.exe shortens your language to.

It worked for me. At least I now can view it with mplayer(F7 in program).

I might add that I'm using the stable version 0.5.1.

Hope this helps some.

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